Monday, March 17, 2008

Comet 572 movie

I have created this movie to discourage littering.


Heidi Beezley said...

Important message! and nicely communicated using powerful images! Very nice job, Misty!

Ken Callaway said...

Well done; music complements the message and the photos. Short and to the point. Liked the choice of the burn transition as you move from the beauty of the area to the problem with trash.

Angie Wilson said...

Nice job Misty! I need to show this to the kiddos in my class. They do not have good examples at home about cleaning up. Great work Misty.

Jutti said...

Great message. I think I will have my students create their own anti-litter message. Maybe it will sink in better!

I like the movement of the titles. It kind of goes with the "flow of nature." Some of the titles were a little hard to read. I had the same problem and ended up placing some of my titles in separate slides against a black background so you could read them.

rrksevilla said...

Misty, I think my students should see your video - our school has a definite problem with litter! The message comes across loud and clear with the music complementing the contrasting images of beauty and the ugliness of trash. Well done!


Kimrie said...

Wonderful instructional video for use with students. It really conveys a message. Nice photos and use of words and music.